Friends of Auburn Heights Preserve - and Marshall Steam Museum
Horseless Carriage Club of America
International Association for the Advancement of Steam Power (IAASP)
International Steam Boat Society
National Steam Car Association - England's Steam Car Association
Light Steam Power Archive - Bolsover Brothers Magazine listing (pdf 256 pages, LSP Listing, Drawing Sets
North American Steam Boat Association
Northwest Steam Society - Great Links - a non profit volunteer organization,
formed in 1973 for Steam Enthusiasts in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. - Steam Car Club of Great Britain
Steam Automobile Club of America (SACA) and Chapters
Steam Boat Association (Great Britian) (Links page)
Top Steam Sites:
Bart Smaalders - Website - Steaming Otter
Dan Martin - A Tricycle that Runs on Steam - Article
Everett Engineering, Inc. - Premier Machine Shop
MosquitoEnterprises - Steam Boats, Steam boat hulls, engines, boilers--new and used.
Midwest Coach and Carriage Works
Northwest Steam Society - Lots of Great Information
Steam Boat Links - Steam Launch Artemis - Ron Fossom
International Steam Boat Society
Steam Car Club of Great Britain - Lots of Great Information
List Serves and Forums:
LIGHTSTEAM@LISTSERV.ICORS.ORG to get started send an email to the link
SACA Phorum open to all not just members of SACA
Other Links:
1903 Six HP Steam Engine Powers Modern Off Grid Power System - Ron Paul Forums Thread
Airplanes: Steam Powered Airplanes
Steam Aeroplanes
Bristol Tramp - British steam-powered passenger and airmail transport aircraft
Alternative energy news and information resources about renewable energy technologies
AMOVIS - Danish site, browser will translate, Amovis GmbH, Patent Genius,
Steam Cell, Automotive, Marine, Aviation, and more.
Patent: US2005026242
Patent: 6508060
Patent: 68724281
Antique Gas Engine Books - Antique Steam Engine Books
Are steam cars poised for an epic comeback? - Article
Arfon's Rocket powered Steam Dragsters - Photos - Arfon's Wild Steam Dragster
Arizona Mechanical Engineering
Ausra - Steam Generation System - Solar Systems Technologies - Areva Abandons Solar and Shutters Its Ausra Concentrated Solar Effort
AutoSpeed: Steam Power! Could it make a comeback? - Article
Atomization and Burning of Liquid Fuel Spray - Abstract
Babington Oil Burner - Waste Vegetable Oil
Bane, Martin - 'Argentina' Built 1949 by Ing. Livio Dante Porta & Co. Ltd.
Barrett Steam Car - YouTube Video
BEHR - Thermal management
for the reduction of emissions and
fuel consumption in trucks - pdf
Better World Workshop - Sustainability Leaders Network
Gazogen - Creating Clean Energy from Biomass Fuels
Biodiesel - WVO Designs, a website on Waste Vegetable Oil as a Fuel
BioEnergy Lists: Gasifiers and Gasification - Small and Micro Combined Heat and Power Systems
Biomass Magazine - Articles - "Recent biomass studies misconstrued, inaccurate" #3869
"Biomass reaction' combusts fuel from within" #3398
Bio Steam Engines Co, LTD. - Manufacturer
Boats - Small Boats Are A Big Passion For This Detroit Collector
Bob Sarda - His Website - South East Wheels Events/bobsarda
Booster Technologies, Inc. - Green Energy Solutions
Bourque Steam Engine - A Compact Pollution-Free External Combustion Engine with High Part-Load Efficiency
Brash Engines - Phase One Report 2010 (45pages pdf) - BKI - Motive Power-Final Report pdf
Brayton Cycle - The Ideal Cycle for Gas-Turbine Engines (pdf document)
British Steam Car Challenge -'s Challenge page
Brown, Mike - Blog Brown Steam Engines
Bryan Engine Discussion - Thread - Steamers Forum
Cable Car Guy (When Steam Ran on the Streets of San Francisco Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Cable Car Lines in SF
Camden Miniature Steam Services
Catapult Design - The majority of our world’s population lacks access to life’s basic needs.
We develop and implement human-centered products to help them thrive.
Center for Advanced Energy Systems (CAES)
Clayton Industries - Steam Generator Systems
Clean Power Technologies, Inc. - Globe News Report - to Implement New Hybrid System on a Production Vehicle
Coalition for Sustainable Rail (CSR)- News & Info
CSR Project 130 - Create a high speed carbon neutral steam-powered locomotive
Development of Modern Steam 4: Advanced Internal Boiler Water Treatment - White paper
Cozby Enterprises, Inc. - A Montana Corporation formed for research, design, and
development of advanced steam engines for automobiles and other applications.
Crude Glycerol Combustion System - Diversified Energy
Cubit Power Systems - Solar-Thermal
Cugnot's Original Steam Car (1769) History - Video of Replica Running - 2nd Video
The Magnificant Doble - Article
Doble Peddle Assembly
Doble Steam Motors Corporation photograph collection, 1898-ca. 1963 Collections 1,2,3 and more
Strange Triumph of Abner Doble
e-Zee (Little) Steam Engines - Free Steam Engine Building Plans
Earl Morse - Steam Boating
Eden Energy-Word doc. with links - Eden Energy-pdf with links
Efficient Steam Engines - Discussion
Energer - BMG LUX - home micro generator video - RTCC
Enginion Steam Cell - Images SACA Phorum on the steam cell
Erickson Motors - Full Expansion Engines - Google Images
Essays on Steam Engines - at present 250 Essays and pages
Ether Engines - Ether and Chloroform Engines
First Car? - A Quick History of the Automobile for Young People
Fischer Cycle Engine - Statements on Thermodynamics
Fisher Technologies - Big-Step Engine Technology™
Flash Steam - Four Cycle Steam Engine Concept - Jeremy Holmes
Flash Steam Engine powered tether boats
Fluid Injector for a Piston Steam Engine
Flying Steam Engines - Another site: Flying Steam Engines
Forgotten Books - Technology and Engineering/ Engines and Automotive
Free Clean Energy from Engine Exhaust with CO2 Scrubber
Fulton - Steam Boilers and Equipment
Gasifiers and Gasification (BioEngergy List)
Gek Project - All Power Labs - Gek Users
Geneva Steam Car 1902- (click on link and scroll down to see photo)
German High Speed Locomotives - Article
Global Ecology Labs - Christ Field
Glycerol Combustion - Metzger, Brian - Abstract and paper
Green Car Congress: Novel opposed-piston free-piston linear generator for hybrids seeks to overcome drawbacks of earlier designs - Steam Power
Hamworthy™ internal mix steam atomizing burner lance nozzle.
HEDON - Household Energy Network
Hemp as Feedstock for Biofuel, Power Generation
Henry Technology: Friendly Technology, Focused Ingenuity Henry Rotory Steam Engine
Hot Vapor Cycle Engine - HVCE - The Adiabatic Engine
How Steam Engines Work - A simple introduction
Hubbard Steam-Powered Motorcycle - Restoration and another site Hubbard Steam-Powered Motorcycle
Hughes' Doble - now owned by Jay Leno. Video about the car.
Humanitarian Engineering and Video - Does Your Homework Make a Difference?
Hurst Boiler Wins Engineering Excellence Award - Article
Huzar Power - development of the High-Efficiency Flash-Steam Engine and offer production versions
Hybrid Engine: an Alternative to Internal Combustion - Article - pdf document
HydroICE Project - developing a solar-powered combustion engine - Article by GizMag
HydroICE Project Converts Combustion Engine to Run and Generate Electricity Using only Solar Energy
- Article (PrWeb)
HydroICE Solar Project - by indiegogo - Imagine if you could reduce the cost of solar energy by 75%!
AND do it using resources readily available within your community...
Hydroplanes, Steam - Current Flash Steam Hydroplane Record Holder
Industries for Africa Foundation
International Steam Pages - Narrow guage steam railways
Jenny Steam Products - History
Keepers of the Blue Flame - Land Racing Forum
Kinetic Steam Works - Steam power, kinetic art, industrial art, & education creatively connected!
Koch Heat Transfer Company: More Efficient Heat Transfer
Lentz Valve Gear on British Steam Locomotives
Levens Hall Museum (UK) Steam Engine Collection
Light Steam Power Topics - Archive
Locomobile - Dr. D. M. West's
Locomobile Restoration ( in words and pictures)
Locomotives: How a steam locomotive works
National Railway Museum - Nuremberg, Germany
Lombard Log Haulers (Lenoard Mills 1790's Living History Settlement, Bradley, Maine)
History of Logging in Maine including the Lombard Hauler Lumbermen's Museum, Patten, ME
Lombard's Log Hauler: The First Crawler Tractor - Article
Lombard Log Hauler Museum - Waterville, Maine
Lynx Rocket Stove Monotube Steam Boiler
Marlboro Steam Car (1899) Click on the pictures below the main picture.
Maybach, the road to Legend - Historical German Publication - Right Click on article and then click on Translate
Mercoid Controls - Dwyer Instruments
Minto's Unique Steamless Steam Car - Article
MIT Papers pertaining to steam powered automobiles (Links tested 3-25-2014-all worked)
Monotube Boiler - Steve's Workshop
Montana Steam Power Abandons Steam Project - Their Website: Montana Steam Power, Inc.
Museum of Retro Technology - Powered by boiling Petrol - Ether and Chloroform Engines
National Traction Engine Trust (NTET) (British) - World's Premier Steam Traction Preservation Organization.
Novatec Solar - Solar Boiler, Solar Thermal Generation
Novel High Performance Steam Engines - Article
Novo Power, President, Phillip Raphal - resume, pdf
Oliver Vaughan Snell Bulleid - Last British innovator in steam locomotive engineering
Omachron Techologies, Inc. - a technology licensing company for an intellectual property
pool that includes over seven hundred inventions.
Open Library - Search Through Extensive List of Books on Steam Engines, Steam Power
Open Source Steam - collecting information on steam technology and designs on steam driven devices. Designing, developing, and prototyping open source hardware that utilizes the power of steam
Orv's experimental steam engine
Parker Industrial Boilers - brochure pdf
Pearl Steam Launch Engine Company
Phoenix Navigation & Guidance Inc. - Experimenter's Tesla Turbine -
Turbine Builder's Club
Piston vs. Caprotti Valves - Discussion
Poppet Valve Steam Engine Quest
Power Mechanical Steam Blog - Steam and Chilled Water Solutions, Fast.
Practica Foundation - Micro Diesel Engine, Solor Thermal Pump
Sunflower (Solor Steam Engine) pump - YouTube video of how it was built and how it works.
Sunflower MK2 - YouTube update video
Official Sunflower Pump Website - Video of newest pump in action
Solar Powered Pump
Preston Services - Suppliers of steam engines, spares and services
Pritchard Steam Car: Pritchard Power - Uniflow Generator - Now Uniflow Power Ltd.
Pritchard Steam Car - Another Pritchard Website
Ted Pritchards Stream Car Runs on Alcohol and Never Pollutes
Rankine Bottoming Cycle Diesel Engine - ORC Publications For Sale: RC-1 organic
Regner - The Train Department - on Reyaulds
Reynaulds Live Steam Model Locomotives
Roots of Motive Power - Donkey Engines, Locomotives, Steam Shovels and
other steam equipment used in the logging industry.
Rotary Engines: Aspin Rotary Engine Library
Rotary Steam Engines: Page 6
Santa Fe Steam Generator Car 139
Scottish Traction Engine Society - Steam in the Park Video
Sentinel Steam Waggon - Website
Serpollet Brothers: Steam Generator of Serpollet Brothers Producing Steam Instantaneously
Serpollet Engines - Simple, Single, Double Acting Poppet Valve Engine
Slam Valve Motor - Supplying Efficient Steam Engines for Homeowners and Professional Solar Installers
Smokstak - Antique Engine Collecting, Restorations, Forums, Classifieds, Books, Links, Chat Rooms and Meets
Solar: Solar Store - Inflatable Solar Water Heater
Spilling Energy Systems - Steam Engines, Steam Turbines, and Steam Compressors
Square Piston Engine Reduces Emissions - Article
Stanley Motor Carriage - Technical information relating to Stanley Motor Carriage Company Steam Cars -
The Magic of Steam - Stanley's 17page brochure (2.8M)
Stanley Museum - Kingfield, Maine
Stanley Register - List of great links.
Stanley Steamer Online Affiliates - Listing of links
Steaman - Kelso's 1909 Model R Stanley Engine #37 and others
Steam Automobile Engine Research since the 1930s - Article
Steam Boiler Development - What is a Steam Boiler?
Steam Car Challenge - More on Bob Sarda
Steam Is The Stuff Channel - YouTube Video
Steamgoon, Ned- Homepage - Home of the S.P.U.D.S. Steam Engine
Steam Tables - Spiraxsarco
Steam Theory - TLV - Steam Theory Tutorials
Steve’s Workshop - UK
STG - solar energy technology that is sized to provide electricity and hot water to
off-grid clinics and schools.- the Specifications
Stretching German Gasoline Supply-WWII
Super Heated Steam: Properties of Super heated Steam
Surviving World Steam Project News 2007 - This is just news - .org website is missing.
Surviving World Steam Project News 2011 -
Tanks: Steam Power for Tank - Article
Team Steam USA - Working to break the steam land speed record.
TEE Publishing - Engineering and Modelling Books Supplier including
Workshop and Model Making Books plus the Engineering in Miniature Magazine
Terrajoule Unstealths - Distributed Power via Solar, Steam and Storage
Terrajoule Corp Website
The Train Department - Live Steam Model Locomotives - Regner
Tiller's International - Encouraging an attitude of experimentation to produce more local food with less global fuel
Tiny Power Steam Engines - Boats, Engines, Model Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings and Accessories
Tocircle Industries - Steam based waste heat recovery. Multi-phase Expander
Turbines: Steam Turbine Operation and Maintenance
Steam Turbines - Alibaba - Global Trade
Green Turbine
Infinity Turbine, LLC
Turboden Biomass Solutions - pdf document- 28 pages
Uniflow Power Ltd - renewable energy - Australia
Unity Uniflow Rotary (UUR)-Engine - U.S. Patent # 6503072 ebay sale with video
Vapor Power Cycles - pdf - Author: M. Bahrami - 8 pages
Vapor Power International - Manufacturer of Boilers, Packaged Steam Generators,
Thermal Fluid Heaters, and Electric Boilers
Vapor Power Systems - pdf document
Vengeance Power Inc. - Vengeance Power Engine
Voith Website - Waste Heat Recovery-pdf
Waste Heat Recovery by Behr - SAE International
Wells Auto Museum - Hidden Tourist Treasures
White Cliffs Solar Steam Engine - "The White Cliffs Project - Overview for the period 1979-89"
published by the Department of Energy of the Government of New South Wales in 1991.
White Steam Car (1909) New Zeeland Museum.
Zero Emmision Engine - Zero Emission Engine — A Novel Steam Engine for Automotive Applications