
2011 Steam Meet Pictures    2012 Annual Chicagoland Steam Meet    Bonneville - Steam Speed America

2013 Annual Chicagoland Steam Meet

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People and Steam

2002 Danville Steam meet-Bill Barns and the Vanderbilt Cup Stanley Racer replica   Photo from 2002 taken at Danville after a Time Trials run.  Bill Barnes of Lewistown, Pennsylvania driving and owning one of several Vanderbilt Cup Stanley Racer replicas.  This one has an original 30 hp Stanley engine, as did the original design.  Several of these replicas have the smaller displacement Bryan engine in them.  This vehicle was extremely fast and thrilling rides were given to all. 

Bill Barnes driving

Bill Gatlin-Ken Helmick-Peter Brow   LaMont Boiler-George Nutz
    Walter Winship shading eyes, George Nutz in white hat.

Photo estimated from 2004 and taken at an early Berrien Springs steam meet.  From left: Bill Gatlin of Minnesota, Ken Helmick of Michigan, and Peter Brow of Southern California.  At the time these were all serious contributors to the SACA Phorum.  Thus it was good to see them in the flesh and talking together.


LaMont boiler.  This photo is from 2003 and was taken at a SACA-NE meet.  George Nutz, in white hat and white shirt, was the designer of this boiler.  The genius of the design was in the dc motor powered centrifugal circulating pump that had very good seals and thus low current draw.  The steam-water separator drum is on the right where it is very well insulated.  The beauty of the LaMont is that it has the safety and compactness of a monotube and the convenience of being controlled by a water level sensor.  Because of the efficiencies of heat exchange from the rapidly circulating water as well as the efficiencies from scrubbing steam bubbles off the inside walls of the tubes only about half of the normal tube bundle for a monotube is needed.  The boiler was designed for use in a large steam launch which is not yet finished.

Rod Muller and the Wach engines

Rod Muller and the Wach engines


Rod Muller and Jan Christianson

These photos from 2003 are of Rod Muller of Strath Steam fame from Australia who was to my shop visiting.  He saw all of the steam engines and immediately started to get one running. This 4 x 5 Wach engine and propane fired vertical fire tube (VTF) boiler were mounted on a trailer where the previous owner had hauled them around to fairs and shows in order to have a running steam engine display. The boiler and burner are far too small for the engine and are just able to keep it ticking over slowly and without a load on it and at 50 psi steam pressure.  The Wach engine is beautifully made with an enclosed crankshaft and a worm gear powered oil pump.

2004 Steam Meet-Jay Carter-Chuk Williams-Harry Schoell-Tony Grzyb-20hp Stanley on 36 Ford axle   2005 Steam Meet-Jay Carter in Chuk Williams' T-model Steam car

Photo from 2004 at the Kimmel steam shop in Michigan.  From left:  Jay Carter, Chuk Williams, Harry Schoell, Tony Grzyb; all looking at a 20 hp Stanley engine bolted to a 1936 Ford rear axle


Photo estimated from 2005 Jay Carter riding in Chuk William’s T-model with a V-4 Lawler steam engine and a homemade monotube boiler controlled by a Kate flow controller for the water feed.


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Steamboat Ed Haas   Tom Kimmel and Mike Brown's 20hp Engine
Steamboat Ed Haas and Tom Kimmel  

Tom Kimmel with Mike Brown's 20hp Engine

SES Dodge Monaco   R. J. Smith's Mercur Outboard Steam Engine
Tom with SES Dodge Royal Monaco  

Tom with R. J. Smith's Mercury Outboard Steam Engine

Dick Vennerbeck    

Dick Vennerbeck


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