


At present videos are links to the SACA YouTube Channel.
Tom explains the different vehicles.

2013 Chicagoland September Steam Meet   VW conversion-V-4, Likamobile, Dick Howe's Curved Dash Olds Kit car. Video taken 2013 Chicagoland Steam Meet
1969 Chevell SE-124  

1969 SE-124 Chevelle Converted to Steam by Bill Besler. Video taken 2013 Chicagoland Steam Meet

More on the 1969 SE Chevelle on the Steam Engines

Keen Steamliner #2 and Tom Kimmel  

Keen Steamliner #2 Made by Charlie Keen.
Video taken 2013 Chicagoland Steam Meet

More on the Keen Car and Engine on Steam Engines

Claude Windgrove's Big Red 3-wheeler  

Claude Windgrove's Home Made Steam Car
Video taken 2013 Chicagoland Steam Meet

More on Windgrove's Steam 3-Wheeler on Steam Engines

John Wetz Ford Ranger Truck  

John Wetz's Ford Ranger and Barrel Burner Boiler
Video taken 2013 Chicagoland Steam Meet

More on all of Wetz's Steam Engines on Steam Engines

2012 video  

2012 SACA Chicagoland Steam Meet - Clips of Steam cars as they are giving rides at the Fairgrounds.

Tony Gryzb describes his LocoRacer  

Tony Grzby and His LocoRacer


Mike Courson and Steam Engine Patents

Steam Speed America 2012 video  

Steam Speed America 2012


Ken Helmick's YouTube List of Small IC to Steam Conversions


            Here are some links to YouTube videos showing small IC to steam conversions.  The list is far from complete as some guys had multi part series and I haven't had the time to look at most of these for more than a seconds, so others are probably parts of series.  None the less, as you say, it shows an interest. 
I have to admit, however, much of the boiler technology is a bit scary.


            Here are about 50 YouTube things of people who are working on small steam engine projects.  The links are for your education and do not suggest that these are good ideas.  In fact, most of the boilers that are made out of pressure cookers, air compressor tanks, propane tanks, and 50 gallon drums, are the kinds of things that usually blow up and kill people. 

There is much to learn from these short videos.  The main thing to learn is how many people are interested in small steam power to the extent that they are making anything that might possible run in an attempt to enjoy steam power.  The second thing to learn is the lack of knowledge exchange.  What we have lost in our modern society is that depth of experience and knowledge usually passed on from one generation to another.  These fine folks are starting over from scratch all of the time.  The third thing to learn is that they have doubtless attempted to learn from the internet.  When it comes to steam power the internet is a poor source of good information.

I will be putting up on my website several methods of converting small flat head air cooled IC engines to steam power, also small two-cycle IC engines, and most of the work of the late John Wetz.
Word document with active links    
Pdf document with active links